Current members

Cei Abreu-Goodger (Group Leader)

I’m a Reader in Bioinformatics at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution (University of Edinburgh). My research interests are focused on gene regulation, small RNAs and transposable elements, using computational analyses and a variety of host-pathogen models. I did my PhD in Mexico, studying the evolution of regulatory RNA in bacteria, a postdoc in Cambridge UK working on the function of microRNAs in vertebrates, and was a group leader in Mexico for ten years before moving to the University of Edinburgh.

Isaac Martínez-Ugalde (PhD student)

Interests: genome expansion, transposable elements, Strongylida parasites

Yenetzi Villagrana-Pacheco (PhD student)

Interests: single-cell transcriptomics, gene regulation, small RNAs

Adriana Orrego-Durañona (PhD student, co-supervised with Dr Elizabeth Bayne)

Interests: fungal pathogens, microRNAs, transcriptomics, epigenetics, cell biology

Logan Wang (MSc Bioinformatics student)

Project: Comparative genomics of parasitic nematodes to explore the importance of secreted small RNAs

Yao Tong (MSc Bioinformatics student)

Project: Parasites of parasites: genome expansion in Strongylida nematodes

Thomas Cattanach (Honours student)

Project: Comparing the secreted sRNA repertoire of two species of gastrointestinal parasite

Previous members with ongoing projects

Roberto (Beto) Bermúdez (PhD student)

Beto is currently a postdoc with Amy Buck, and an ongoing collaborator of the RNAlab.

Tantely Delaine (Evolutionary Biology Honours student)

Thesis: “Genomic drivers of gene regulation by small RNA in the parasitic nematode, Heligmosomoides bakeri

Guanke Bao (MSc Bioinformatics student)

Thesis: Predicting regulatory motifs from large scale transcriptome resources

Xiaoqi Luo (MSc Bioinformatics student)

Thesis: Predicting regulatory motifs from large scale transcriptome resources